Welcome to Career Revisionist with Dr. Grace Lee, dedicated to doers, dreamers, and realists who want more success and satisfaction in their life. This podcast is about answering one question: How can you build a fulfilling career where it’s all about doing work you love and growing your income without sacrificing your values.
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Executive Communications Are Easy When You Conduct Them This Way
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Is your executive communications at work going well? Are you using the right approach when speaking with higher-ups? If you wish to receive executive coaching from Dr. Grace, apply and talk to her team here: https://masteryinsights.com/apply
When you're at the level where you're already part of executive communications, you speak with internal and external leaders who make critical decisions for the business. It takes a lot of work to adapt.
You need to upgrade your communication skills to boost your career agenda.
In this episode, Dr. Grace Lee shares 5 mistakes professionals make in their executive communications and what you can do to rectify them. As in her coaching program, her strategy will help you realize and achieve your goals as fast as possible.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
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Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Time to Step Into Executive Leadership
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and move into a more challenging role in your career? Get a coach to guide you through your professional growth. Join Dr. Grace's executive coaching program here: https://masteryinsights.com/apply
Joining executive leadership is such a mysterious process. The mystery comes from its unfamiliarity of it! It's unfamiliar because we were programmed to only hope to be a part of it.
As an executive coach, Dr. Grace provides an empowering environment for professionals to achieve their most inspired career goals. Among the strategies she teaches is how to get a seat at the executive table.
Check out this episode for three ways to break the limits of comfort and move your career up the corporate ladder.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Why Your Less-Experienced Colleagues Are Promoted Instead of You!
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Did a co-worker beat you to a promotion recently despite you having better qualifications and more experience? Learn how to increase your promotability. Apply to Dr. Grace Lee's program here: https://masteryinsights.com/application
Being passed over for a promotion may feel unfair if you know you deserve it more than your competition. Why? Because you are good at what you do, your manager should have noticed it.
However, demonstrating proficiency is only the first step in measuring your worth as an employee. Entrepreneur and executive coach Dr. Grace Lee shares the three levels of value and why communication is the most important.
Catch the full details in this episode. Learn how you can strategize your next move to advance in your career.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
How to Get Stakeholder Buy-In
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
How do you get stakeholders on board with your ideas for a project? Encourage stakeholder buy-in using strategies from an executive coach. Click this link to apply for Dr. Grace Lee's program: https://to.masteryinsights.com/application
Managing stakeholder relationships is just as critical as leading a team project when climbing the corporate ladder, if not more so. You can mark your influence in your industry by having this fundamental skill.
Clients, employees, the executive board, and other interested groups should be involved in the company's decision-making process. The decisions made by managers may get support or opposition from these stakeholders. Dr. Grace outlines four steps in this episode for getting buy-in from the people who have control of the organization's operations.
Utilize these tips to create a workable approach that will enable you to win over stakeholders and advance your career.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
How to Be More Visible to Your Higher Ups
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Do you want to be recognized by your bosses at work? Get your contributions noticed and advance your career through executive coaching with Dr. Grace Lee. Apply here: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
Being an effective leader does not end at inspiring and influencing your team to work and achieve your set goals. You also want to get their contributions noticed which, in turn, will add value to yours. The results of your hard work as a leader will be more fulfilling if your higher-ups recognize the value you bring to the company.
As an executive coach, Dr. Grace helps professionals get the support they need to demonstrate their promotability and become leaders in their respective industries. Today, she shares the ABCs on how to do this exactly.
Listen to the full episode to learn how to strategize to increase your visibility among the executives in your company. What was your biggest takeaway from this topic? Share it in the comments below!
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
Please share your thoughts!
Leave questions or feedback in the comments below.
Leave me a review on iTunes and share my podcast with your colleagues.
With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
How to Choose The Right Coach to Help You Grow Your Career
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Are you wondering how to choose the right coach to help you grow in your career? Join Dr. Grace's executive coaching program and gain the skills needed to get ahead: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
Coaches are experts in helping your reach your goals quickly but the timing depends on you. If you're ready, this podcast is for you.
Getting a coach is a personal decision that you will make in your professional journey. Coaching enables you to reach your true potential and empowers you to take control of your own life in accordance to your values.
Communications and career coach like Dr. Grace Lee are visionaries who are focused on future growth. In this episode, she promotes 5 S.M.A.R.T. tips to help you select the right mentor to guide you in your upward mobility.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
3 Strategies to Help Your Team Members Reach Their Full Potential
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Is leading a team proving to be a challenge? Tap into their unconscious mind and uncover their hidden talents and greatness. Develop your leadership skills with Dr. Grace’s mentorship: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
Leading a team can be difficult in the sense that you are trying to get different people to work together. With diverse personalities, opinions, strengths, and weaknesses, problems are bound to arise.
To be an effective and efficient leader, you need to achieve successful results by improving your team's performance. As the one who hired them, you know very well that they have the potential. All you need to do is to bring it out of them to make them WANT to do better as opposed to making them feel that they HAVE to do better.
Check out Dr. Grace's 3 smart strategies to maximizing your team's potential. As an executive coach, she trains professionals to elevate their status in their respective industries and become visionary leaders.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
The ABCs to Becoming a C-Suite Executive
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Are you ready to unlock the next chapter of your career? Learn the things you need and the steps you need to take with guidance from an executive coach. Apply here to join Dr. Grace Lee's program: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
A-Players know that in order to always be one step ahead of the game, you need to invest in self development to advance your career... especially when aiming for the C-suite.
The highest ranking executives are in this level of the company and they set the future direction of the business. You will continuously be exposed to huge expectations and competitions if you want to stay relevant in the C-suite level.
Fast-track your executive growth to C-Suite with a straightforward strategy from communications and career coach, Dr. Grace Lee. Take a few minutes of your time today to listen to the full episode and take note of the pointers from A to E.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
Please share your thoughts!
Leave questions or feedback in the comments below.
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With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Find an Executive Position in a Recession
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Want to get promoted to the executive level, even when there's a downturn in the economy? Achieve your most meaningful goals through executive coaching with Dr. Grace Lee. Apply here: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
In times if economic uncertainty or recession, companies tend to be more cautious with hiring and spending, because they want to ensure they can survive the storms that may be ahead and still be sustainable. Hence, you will find a few to zero new job postings especially at the executive level.
Contrary to the title, Dr. Grace talks NOT about finding an executive position but instead of creating ALIGNMENT for you to achieve it whether during the recession or otherwise.
Learn what creating alignment means and apply it in your strategy for career development. The advice in this episode works for either in your current company or another one you're targeting.
Share this podcast to someone looking for an opportunity!
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
Please share your thoughts!
Leave questions or feedback in the comments below.
Leave me a review on iTunes and share my podcast with your colleagues.
With Love & Wisdom,
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Selling to C-Suite - 3 Ways to Get Buy In
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Do you wish you knew how to get buy in of the c-suite in your company? Develop your leadership skills through executive coaching with Dr. Grace Lee, apply here: https://careerrevisionist.com/apply
Members of the C-suite in your company are your most important stakeholders for they make the big decisions that drive the whole organization to success.
These executives think and operate in a different way. If you want your idea or proposal to be heard and considered, you need to develop your skills and build a good strategy.
As an executive coach, Dr. Grace Lee helps professionals achieve their career goals and that includes stepping up into leadership. One of the trainings focus on how to approach and communicate effectively with your bosses. In this episode, she summarizes it into 3 steps.
Adopt these pointers and build a practical strategy that will help you get a buy-in from the C-suite level. Use this advice to grow your career and make an impact in your industry.
Show notes and free resources:
Do you want to move up in executive leadership?
Want to elevate your communication skills, leadership abilities and influence in the world around you?
If you're ready to start leveling up in your career and you want to develop all of the skills and professional acumen that will allow you to grow into senior executive positions with confidence, apply here:
Answer a few questions to see if you qualify for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program, then book a time to speak with a member of our team.
Thank You for Listening!
I am truly grateful that you have chosen to tune in.
Visit my Youtube channel where I release new videos weekly on executive career growth, communication, increasing income, and professional development.
Please share your thoughts!
Leave questions or feedback in the comments below.
Leave me a review on iTunes and share my podcast with your colleagues.
With Love & Wisdom,